Hello there!
I'm jackalocked and I make digital art and prototype games on Scratch.
I'm currently working on my dream games, those are "Excalinine" (I even posted concept art and stuff) and "Time Tomias".
I also want to make animations in the future.

Age 17



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introducing... "Time Tomias"!

Posted by jackalocked - August 4th, 2024

(last updated 21/08/2024)

I present to you... another one of my dream projects...



(title logo banner)

This is an indie game that I'm also working on for a while (since 2022), and I'm still on prototyping phase aswell.

There's already 3 playable prototypes from different years, one of those is actually being currently worked on (but I've been making a break from the project for a few months now).

(There's another prototype too, but it's more of a spin-off game, and also there's not much in it)

(There's also an unshared prototype, made after the 1st prototype. I got to post footage of it, but for now the YT video is unlisted for privacy reasons)


(thumbnail concept)


  • About;
  • The Game;
  • Playable prototypes;
  • The Series (The comics);
  • Characters;
  • More info


Just like Excalinine, I've been working on this dream project for a few years too.

Tomias (the cat) was actually going to be a part of Excalinine (AnyMalia Knights at the time), until I decided to give him his own series.

The Game

The game will be a 2D platformer + metrovania, following the same gameplay mechanics present on the prototypes bellow.

There will be time travelling features that allow you to stop time, play the same levels but in different time periods, and maybe even being able to time travel mid-game and making alternative levels from your influence in the past (the number of enemies you destroyed, etc)

The art direction is still in development, it started out as vector art on the first 4 prototypes, until on the latest prototype I switched it to 3D pre-rendered sprites.

On the final game however, I'm planning it to be fully 3D, maybe with the poly count of a gamecube/PS2 game.

Playable prototypes

There's currently 4 playable prototypes of this project, all on Scratch.

The 3 main prototypes will be listed bellow.


Tobias the time police




Time Tomias: Tech Demo




Time Tomias (current)

(currently being developed)


The Series

Aside from the games, I also want to make an animated series! But I'm too far away from actually getting started in animation (since I also lack in materials, who's going to animate with a laptop that barelly runs simple 3D geometry and a mouse???? I'm not going to animate on a low-end android tablet with my finger neither...)

So I'll start with simple media first.

I'm planning to start working on a comic series for this project!

I was actually going to make an animated & interactive comic on Scratch but then it would result on the same issues I have with making a normal game (since I have to code, get the assets right... etc.), but I'll still make this happen someday.

The Comics

The comics will be made digitally (I actually tried to do it traditionally but it's just too time consuming to me and I lost the habit of drawing on paper everyday), they will be more story based since as for now this is the only media where I'm capable of telling a story but there will be still lots of action (but there won't be too much violence).

The artstyle might vary on some pages, more like to match the tone of the current scene, but it will be mostly the casual lineart style from the concept artworks (the lighting might be drawn solid instead of glossy gradient tho).

I will post the comics here and I'll try to find more websites more appropiate for these comics (I will avoid those websites that betrayed artists, just like what deviantart and instagram did...)


The comics will be rated E, there might be some pages rated T if they have stuff like realistic guns and etc but I still need to consider that part since there's people with the T filter off (then they will be missing out pages!)


The game's main character is a tuxedo cat, called Tomias. He will be playable for the entire series.


(Tomias concept art, a little bit outdated tho, might be replaced with a future art)

Tomias just got out of the Time Academy, where he just became a time cop!

There will be many villains on the game, they all want to steal the secret time travelling machine, but they have pretty different objectives once they get their hands on time travelling.

I'll gradually update this post and make more posts about this project.

More info

Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33132790/

Reddit: (community is private for now)

Gamejolt: (game is unlisted for now)

(Youtube devlogs are unlisted for now)




I'm still working on Excalinine of course, I just made this post now because I actually forgot to do it before lol. I'll also start posting concept art of this project too. (Also because I have very few art of this)