Artist, game-dev and animator rookie (I use Adobe Animate 2022)
From Portugal!

Age 17

Student - 12th grade


Joined on 10/13/23

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jackalocked's News

Posted by jackalocked - November 22nd, 2024


At the final of my school year I'll have to present a final project, and mine will be....

A Time Tomias 2D animation!!!

I unfortunally cannot show any material made specifically for this project, it's the rules.

But I'll be able to once this all ends! And i'll even post the full animation on newgrounds (after doing some changes ofc, and a WHOLE ENGLISH DUB!!!)



Posted by jackalocked - September 30th, 2024

Another game in development!

I'm now making a break on the game engine where I make most of my games (Scratch), and I'm moving on to other game engines, which right now I'm using GB Studio! And yes I'm making an actual game in it, it's taking a while but I'm almost getting the handle of it.

The game is another one of my original ideas, however, I still haven't made any post about it aside from a very old Scratch prototype.

And this time I'll only showcase it once the game is done, because I think that i've revealed WAY TOO MUCH on my other projects, and you might know what are the consequences of oversharing a work in progress idea...

Once again, school schedule is filled so i'll take a while to develop this game (and on top of that in an engine i've only started using 1 week ago...), but I'll make sure to make a Demo and share it here.

I'll still finish the other Time Tomias game though! But the same cannot be said about Excalinine... I might aswell make that game on another engine.


Posted by jackalocked - September 14th, 2024

I just started school (one more year until freedom!!! ...right?), however, that won't stop me from working on my projects!

I've been working on a game latelly, I won't share too much info of it but I'll share some screenshots and stuff.

Once I finish the game (or at least a demo version of it), I will release it here!

About the game

The game will be about Time Tomias, but not "THE Time Tomias game".

Basically what I'm saying is that this game won't be the actual main game of the series since I still lack the skills for 3D and advanced game engines... So this will be more like a ""prototype"" so I can get most stuff done and then just remake it into the actual game in the future and having the chance of correcting stuff through feedback!

Not going to elaborate further. But I'll post some screenshots anways:


(Gameplay preview. Level design isn't final.)


(The level maker. Still in development alongside the game. Developer feature only!!!)

I'm aiming for the GBA style, even using 15-bit colours only and other limitations (i'm kinda cheating but this wouldn't run in any console anyways lol).


(Thumbnail mockup. Won't be used, of course.)

I'll probably take a few months to make this, and my school schedule is kinda heavy so not much free time neither (way better than the schedule from last year though!)



Posted by jackalocked - August 4th, 2024

Time Tomias blog

Last updated: 22/11/2024

I present to you... another one of my dream projects...



(title logo banner)

This is an indie game that I'm also working on for a while (since 2022), and I'm still on prototyping phase aswell.

There's already 3 playable prototypes from different years, one of those is actually being currently worked on (but I've been making a break from the project for a few months now).

(There's another prototype too, but it's more of a spin-off game, and also there's not much in it)

(There's also an unshared prototype, made after the 1st prototype. I got to post footage of it, but for now the YT video is unlisted for privacy reasons)


(thumbnail concept)


  • About;
  • The Game;
  • Playable prototypes;
  • The Series (The comics);
  • Characters;
  • More info


Just like Excalinine, I've been working on this dream project for a few years too.

Tomias (the cat) was actually going to be a part of Excalinine (AnyMalia Knights at the time), until I decided to give him his own series.

The Game

The game will be a 2D platformer + metrovania, following the same gameplay mechanics present on the prototypes bellow.

There will be time travelling features that allow you to stop time, play the same levels but in different time periods, and maybe even being able to time travel mid-game and making alternative levels from your influence in the past (the number of enemies you destroyed, etc)

The art direction is still in development, it started out as vector art on the first 4 prototypes, until on the latest prototype I switched it to 3D pre-rendered sprites.

On the final game however, I'm planning it to be fully 3D, maybe with the poly count of a gamecube/PS2 game.

Playable prototypes

There's currently 4 playable prototypes of this project, all on Scratch.

The 3 main prototypes will be listed bellow.


Tobias the time police




Time Tomias: Tech Demo




Time Tomias (current)

(currently being developed)


The Series

Aside from the games, I also want to make an animated series! But I'm too far away from actually getting started in animation (since I also lack in materials, who's going to animate with a laptop that barelly runs simple 3D geometry and a mouse???? I'm not going to animate on a low-end android tablet with my finger neither...)

So I'll start with simple media first.


The game's main character is a tuxedo cat, called Tomias. He will be playable for the entire series.


(Tomias concept art, a little bit outdated tho, might be replaced with a future art)

Tomias just got out of the Time Academy, where he just became a time cop!

There will be many villains on the game, they all want to steal the secret time travelling machine, but they have pretty different objectives once they get their hands on time travelling.

I'll gradually update this post and make more posts about this project.

More info

Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33132790/

Reddit: (community is private for now)

Gamejolt: (game is unlisted for now)

(Youtube devlogs are unlisted for now)



Posted by jackalocked - June 23rd, 2024

(last updated 18/07/2024)

I present to you... my dream project...



(title logo banner concept)

This project is an indie game that I'm slowly working on, I'm still on the prototyping phase (for a few years now) so there's not too much footage yet.


(concept art)

This project used to be called "AnyMalia Knights", and since I just changed the name yesterday most of my devlogs still have the old name in it.


  • About;
  • The Game;
  • Characters;
  • More info


As I said before, this is a dream project that I have for quite some time, I started drawing some doodles about it and day-dreaming the lore ever since the pandemic (arround 2021).

The Game

The game will be a mix of 3D platforming and combat, all in middle top-down view.

While the art direction is still not final, for now the artstyle is pixel characters with free rotation animation (like a flash sprite animation) while the terrain is 3D, just like a NDS game.

On the final product, the 3D enviroinment will be kept, but I might change the pixel stuff to hand-drawn animation, like 80s disney animation!


The game's main character is a red musketeer fox, called Mickal Bronze. He will be playable for almost the entire run.


(Mickal concept art)

His platforming stats are defined with pretty responsive & fast controls, so there won't be any sort of delays when you walk or when you jump and etc.

The same applies for combat, you'll be able to make quick sword attacks and even combos, but if you spam too much the attacks deal less damage and even get a bit slower (you don't want to break his arms!).

The sword is a gun aswell, so you'll also be able to attack from long distances. (not planned)

If you'd like to know more about Mickal, there's an art upload where I wrote more info: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/jackalocked/excalinine-mickal

Aside from Mickal, there's also a semi-main character that might also be playable, and that is:

Silver the wolf!


(Silver concept art)

He has more moderate stats and he doesn't get weaker the longer you spam the same attack pattern (he also deals way more damage).

If you'd like to know more about Silver, here's this art post https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/jackalocked/excalinine-silver-oc


(temporary gamejolt thumbnail)

I'll gradually update this post and make more posts about this project.

More info

Newgrounds isn't the only place where I'm posting about this!

Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/35230175/

Reddit: (community is private for now)

Gamejolt: (game page is unlisted for now)

(Youtube devlogs are unlisted for now)



Posted by jackalocked - June 8th, 2024

I only discovered Klonoa a few years ago, and i've only played the GBA games and the switch remake but the character designs and gameplay are very appealing to me!

Here's a fan-art of him that I made yesterday:


If you're curious, the drawing app that I used was "Sony Sketch" (on mobile), the app is discontinued so you can only download from APKs on the web.

(Idk if art should be posted on the profile or in any other place, I'm not very familiar with the newgrounds posting methods yet)


Posted by jackalocked - May 19th, 2024

My birthday was 1 week ago (12/05), happy late bday to me lol

Here's a very bad drawing I did in Ms Paint in 5 minutes, it features many of the characters that I made for my future video games.


I actually made some prototypes of them in that children's coding website (Scratch), here's my profile https://scratch.mit.edu/users/jackalocked/

(There's a character in the painting that didn't get a public project yet, which is a generic musketeer red fox)

Posted by jackalocked - October 30th, 2023

Frutiger aero. I love this kind of aesthetic.iu_1218399_19210472.webp

Posted by jackalocked - October 16th, 2023

I really like dinosaurs. And dragons too, and sharks and robots.